Monday, August 2, 2010

Schedule Offerings for September

I announced this past weekend, and we placed in the bulletin, four new offerings for Wednesday evenings starting September 8th at 6:00 pm.  We will continue to emphasize our Connect Groups (and hopefully launch new ones) but we wanted to provide additional studies that might interest our members and attenders.  The four include:

1. Leadership from the Inside Out: A Leadership Class that I’ll teach based on my latest writing project. 2. Experiencing God 3. Men’s Fraternity 4. A Parenting Class entitled: Shepherding a Child’s Heart

There will be more information to follow on the leaders for the other classes and you’ll find this updated on our website as we solidify the offerings. (Click here to follow link to the correct page.)

Also, the staff has been in discussion for some time about emphasizing the choir ministry by moving the rehearsal time from 7:30 pm to 6:00 pm.  This accomplishes a number of things: 1. It gives the choir more time for rehearsal (from 6:00 to 7:20) and 2.  keeps families with children from being here till almost 8:45 pm.  3. and we hope it will foster interest in the choir since it will be conducted during the normal times of our ministries.  We pray the choir will continue to grow and the ministry will bear great fruit on Sunday morning as a result of the new time.  The new schedule for the choir will include the Praise Band, who will now rehearse in the auditorium beginning at 6:0o also.

Our young adult worship experience, DownPour, will move to a later time, 8:00 pm.  After considering the new schedule and comparing our Collegiate and Young Adult ministry to other churches in town, we believe this will work quite well, even allowing our collegiate and young adult members to be involved in serving our other ministries or be involved in choir.

Children’s Promise – August 2

The summer is almost over and school has either started or will start for most of the systems this week.  For us a Church, we are beginning to see the upswing of attendance as people get settled back in and routines return to normal.  That also means it’s time to bring to the forefront the Children’s Promise Campaign.  We kicked it off in late May, knowing that through the summer we would just let it build and grow without emphasizing it – but now it’s time to remind our members to give so that as soon as possible we can design and build the addition to the children’s wing.  We currently have about $38,000, which is a great start, but our goal is $400,000.  Consider what you might give to help us reach that benchmark and get the building underway.  I’ll keep you posted as we re-emphasize this project. 

Mark W. Gregory, Pastor