The publications this week will begin announcing the two nominations for the Leadership Team. Here’s more information about them.
David East – he and his wife, Pam, are charter members of Calvary and have been involved and serving on many levels. Currently David is teaching the “Not A Fan” study in the McDonald Connect Group on Wednesday evenings. He is retired and does carpentry and contracting as time allows. He brings to the leadership team a broad perspective of business from the corporate world; and he has a servant’s heart and a deep spiritual maturity.
Joe Whitefield – Joe and his wife, Ann Lee, have been at Calvary for many years now. He currently teaches an adult Sunday School class – one of our classes that meet at Providence on Sunday mornings. He is employed at MTSU as the Executive Director of the Facilities Services Department. Joe is a previous Leadership Team member and brings again to the team strong analytical skills and an intense spiritual sensitivity.
These two will be presented for approval at the March Anniversary Meeting which will be held on March 4, 2012.