Illuminated 10-31-16
1 John 4:1-6, 5:1-5
Greater is the One in Us
I. Test the Spirits 4:1
A. Societal Relativism of Truth
B. Deception of Immorality
C. The Work of the Anti-Christ
II. The Test of the Spirit of God 4:2-3
A. Confession of Jesus as the Christ 4:2, 5:1
B. Acknowledgement of His Nature 4:2
C. Lack of Confession verifies the spirit is not from
God 4:3
III. Greater is Christ in You - Greater is He that is in
you than he that is in the world
A. You are born of God, and thus Greater 4:4, 5:1
B. You obey God and thus are have Victory 5:4-5
C. Because we are in Christ: (let's put this in a
personal and practical perspective)
1. The grace of God is greater
than your guilt
2. The love is God is greater
than your shame
3. The comfort of God is greater
than your sorrow
4. The strength of God is
greater than your weakness
5. The hope of God is greater
than your despair
6. The plan of God is greater
than your agenda
7. The power of God is
greater than your adversity
8. The provision of God is
greater than your need
9. The deliverance of God is
greater than your temptation