Life Hacks: Psalm 1
Keyword: Survive
(sermon preached on 2-5-2017)
In the context of Psalm 1, the themes are:
1. Surviving temptation and the pull of a wayward world
2. Surviving scoffing and seasons of doubt
3. Surviving beyond circumstances by remaining planted in
4. Surviving by flourishing in your spiritual
relationships and ministry
5. Surviving by the Lord's provenance in our lives
I. Blessed is the Person vs 1
A. Regarding Poor Counsel
B. Regarding Appropriate Manner
C. Regarding Indecisiveness or Doubt
II. The Position of Such a Righteous Person vss 2-3
A. Regarding the Word
B. Regarding A Spiritual Aptitude
C. Regarding Spiritual Roots
III. The Disposition of Such an Unrighteous Person vss
A. Inability to Discern Truth
B. Inability to survive judgment
C. Inability to experience truth in community
IV. The Destination vs 6
A. The Provenance
B. The Punishment
Conclusions - We survive:
1. When we choose His option over the world's offer
2. When we immerse ourselves in His frame of reference
rather than the world's point of view
3. When we trust His plan even when circumstances seem
contrary to His purpose
4. When we refuse to give up, and commit to the end point
in Him
5. When we fall down, we get back up - because His grace
supersedes our failures