A quick blog to post the sermon bullet points from this last Sunday.
I. The Will of God for Us: Knowing Christ and Developing the Mind of Christ
We first are called to know Christ in a personal relationship. Then His Holy Spirit begins to transform us as new creations who take on the attributes of Christ and develop the mind of Christ.
II. The Work of God Through Us: The Ministry of Christ Flows Through Us to the World
Christ is always at work in the world, and He desires to use us as vessels to communicate the gospel message. 2 Corinthians indicates that we are "ministers" and "messengers" of reconciliation.
III. The Love of Christ Compelling Us: The Nature of Christ
His love for us and then our growing love for Him and His kingdom compels us to engage the world with the gospel message. One of the greatest expressions of believers is to demonstrate the love of Christ in tangible ways.