Monday, October 10, 2016

1 John Series: Illuminated 1 John 2:3-11 The Commanded Reality

Series: 1 John - Illuminated
1 John 2:3-11 The Commanded Reality

I. How Do We Know?

A. We Keep His Commands - vss 3-4
B. The Love of God is Perfected in Us - vs 5
C. We Remain in Him and Walk with Him - vs 6

II. The Commands - Old and New - vss 7-8

A. The Old is the Message You Have Heard - vs 7
B. The New is to the Walk in the Light of Christ - vs 8

III. The Character of Christian Care

A. If We Hate - We Walk in Darkness - vs 9
B. If We Love - We Walk in Light - vs 10
C. A Righteous Walk Leads to Ongoing Revelation - vs 10
D. A Walk Apart from the Light Leads to Blindness and Misdirection - vs 11